Motivated business and career-oriented individuals,

Let me help you activate your Communication Magnetism.

When you are feeling conflicted, indecisive, or burnt out,

I help you communicate, inspire trust, and connect with your ideal clients.


Starts With You

 Discovering your Human Design can help you develop your unique and reliable decision-making tool.

You cannot stop you business or career from being challenging.

Learn to make better decisions.

Take smarter actions that allow you to conduct business with more surety and joy.

I invite you to:

1.  Discover how your unique decision-making strategy produces clarity and confidence.

2. Learn to trust your inner-knowing, using your unique decision-making strategy

3. Discover that your normal, natural state of being is having prosperity.

Remember, the ease and confidence in your communication will inspire trust and connection with those around you.

Get your Free Human Design Chart and Free 20 minutes Discovery Reading.

Just email your request to:


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? Get your Free Human Design chart. See what your Instruction Manual says.


Our Organization

Hi, my name is Cathie O’Hanks.

For a number of years, I have used non-traditional counseling to assist, direct, encourage, guide and support my clients in achieving success in, well, every aspect of life—finances, business, career, relationships, you name it.